For the reopening of the restaurant we will scrupulously adhere to the guidelines issued by the Veneto Region, also following a few more precautions in order to protect the safety of all our customers, staff room personnel and the kitchen brigade..

– As we have been doing for more than 1 year after each service, we will sanitize the room with an the ozone sanitizing system that eliminates pathogens such as germs, bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi, spores and yeasts from the air and removes bad odors of an organic and inorganic nature➑️

– At the entrance for all of the employees, the body temperature will be detected with an infrared thermometer.

– Hand sanitizers will be available for our customers and for the staff at various points of the restaurant.

– All of the staff will be using the required mask and, before each table service, will proceed with hand hygiene.

– Our priority is the use of the tables in the external dining area, always ensuring that the spacing between one table and the other as per protocol and, when possible, even more.

– We have arranged the tables in the three internal rooms as to have the least possible number of customers in a single room.

– The air conditioning system will not be used, but a recycling of the natural air, as that the historical structure of the building has large windows which guarantees fresh and ventilated environments.
